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Pacific Little League

Choosing a Softball Division


When registering for the spring season, a player will request a level of play at a particular level. But what level? The following provides an overview of Pacific Little League Divisions. While Little League International uses the "League Age" requirements to define eligibility for upper divisions, each little league is able to define their own age criteria to separate players for safe play in younger divisions.

"League Age" is determined by Little League International. Pacific Little League is open to all children between the ages of 5 and 18 who reside in the boundaries, as defined by the residence or school address.

For little league softball, please refer to the Little League age chart.


Player Age/Grade

Recommended Level

Season Start

Season End

# of Practices + Hours/Wk*

# of Games/Wk

5-6 | Pre-K - K




2x 1 Hour Practices


7-8, some 6|K-2nd grade




2x 90 Minute Practices


8-9|3rd - 4th grade




2x 90 Minute Practices


10-11, some 9|4th - 5th grade, some 6th




2x 90 Minute Practices


11-12, some 10|6th - 7th grade, some 5th




2x 90 Minute Practices


12-14|7th - 9th grade




2x 90 Minute Practices


14-16|9th - 10th grade**




2x 90 Minute Practices


*Once games start the number of practices will reduce based on division level.

**May combine with the district to form one team if we are unable to field one whole team.

T-Ball provides the fundamentals of hitting, fielding, and throwing along with the basic rules of baseball and softball. Players hit the ball from a batting tee for the season and may have opportunities at the end of the season for coach pitch or soft-toss.

If your child is 5 or 6 and has never played organized baseball, T-Ball is a great place to begin. If your child is 6 and has played a season in T-Ball, you can move your child to the Rookies.

Rookies Softball is focused around our players having fun while learning the fundamentals! These fundamental skills include fielding, throwing, and hitting. 

What to expect:

  • Hitting: Players will hit an underhanded pitch from a coach

  • Field Size: 60-foot base path 

  • Ball Type: 11"" safety softball

  • Team Formation: Teams are typically formed randomly by the player agent while trying to accomodate friend and/or coach requests. 

  • Post Season: In-house tournament

Player Development:

Show a coordinated swing at each turn at bat, showing proper technique when throwing a ball, being able to catch the ball with more regularity, and being able to make plays to the closest base. Begin to understand gameplay and safety (paying attention to hitters and balls in play). 

Age Group:

6-8 Years Old | K - 2nd Grade

Rookies (softball) Rules - Updates Coming Soon"


89'ers Softball continues to build upon fundamentals and introduction to players doing the pitching.

What to expect:

  • Hitting: Players provide the pitching with a modified "coach-pitch" rule where a coach is allowed to step in and pitch in lieu of batters reaching a base via a walk

  • Field Size: 60-foot base path with pitching at 35'

  • Ball Type: 11 inch softball

  • Team Formation: Teams are formed randomly by a player agent though, at this level, they do try to accommodate "buddy requests", allowing kids to play with friends.

  • Post Season: In-house tournament

Player Development:

Increased and consistent techniques in batting, developing pitching skills, independently running the bases, and being able to make a play from shortstop to 1st base in the air. Increased understanding of gameplay and awareness. Players should be wearing facemasks. 

Age Group:

8-9 Years Old | 3rd - 4th Grade

89ers (softball) Rules - Updates Coming Soon


Minors is an introduction to recreational competitiveness that builds upon the fundamentals and shifting the players to full time pitching.

What to expect:

  • Hitting: Players will be hitting live pitching from an opposing player

  • Field Size: 60-foot base path with pitching at 35'

    • Depending on the number of teams, we may play other local little league teams such as Alderwood or Mukilteo

  • Ball Type: 11" softball

  • Team Formation: Teams are formed randomly by the player agent trying to ensure a balanced team with experienced/returning Minors players.

  • Post Season: In-house tournament

Player Development:

Players are able to make defensive and offensive plays without instruction. Pitchers are able to pitch the ball across the plate.

Age Group:

9-11 Years Old | 4th - 6th Grade

The Major league level is a competitive level that continues to stress fundamental softball and introduce more advanced softball techniques and strategies.

What to expect:

  • Hitting: Players will be hitting live pitching from an opposing player

  • Field Size: 60-foot base path with pitching at 40'

  • Ball Type: 12" softball

  • Team Formation: Teams are formed after non-returning Major players participate in an evaluation through a draft. The player's evaluation helps determine the best division for their continued growth. If players are not selected in the Major's draft they will be placed on a Minor league team.

  • Post Season: In-house tournament

Player Development: Demonstrate their softball skills with an increased level of mastery and ability from the Minors level of play.

Age Group:

10-12 Years Old | 5th - 7th Grade*

* If a player is league age 12, they will be guaranteed unless safety concerns a place on a Majors team. Players league age 10 or 11 may try out and if qualified along with available spots within the draft may play Majors, otherwise they will be placed on a Minor league team. Typically teams consist of primarily 11 and 12 years old.

Juniors and Seniors Fastpitch Softball is a competitive level of play where our players continue to utilize more advanced softball techniques and strategies.

Juniors & Seniors
What to expect:
Field Size: 60-foot base path with pitching at 43'
Ball Size: 12" softball


Juniors Age and Team Formation
13-14, some 12 and/or 15 Years Old | 7th - 9th Grade
Dependent upon the number of players that sign up, there could be an evaluation or one team. If registration is low, the team may be combined with another league within Dist. 1.


Seniors Age and Team Formation
14-16 Years Old, some 13 | 8th - 10th Grade Teams may be formed through a “co-league” where the team will be combined with local little league teams. Consider this a “travel team light”.


Softball Clinics

Clinic information will be posted here as it becomes available.

Please contact Adam Beebe with any questions about future clinics.

Emily Reed

Pacific Little League

PO Box 231 
Lynnwood, Washington 98046
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