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Pacific Little League

2024 All Stars Managers



10s: Mike Reeves
11s:  Alicia McFarlane
12s:  Neoma Kinzel
Juniors:  Sarah Schaff


10s:  Matt Grimm
11s:  Ron Weeks
12s:  Albert Jaimes
Intermediates:  Tiel Riise
Juniors:  Steve Dunc
Seniors:  Donovan Akau

2024 Baseball All Star Teams

 2023 Baseball All Star Teams Announced!
 10s  11s  12s  Intermediates  Juniors Seniors 
Camden Blanco Ryan Weeks Troy Smith Lucas Moua Jack Kappus Nicholas Liepins
Soren Martens August Fisher Maxwell Seefried Ben Schlack Brady Sargent Santana Jensen
Tyler Grimm Cooper Elliot Graysen Jaimes  Daniel Jensen Keitraus Jones Jay Sanchez
Wes Lyman Takumi Fannuci Brady Taffera Jack McCain John Lacy Andrew Amador
Miles Kelly Ben Weber Jack Keller Ruby Cretin Leland Dunc Lance Moua
JJ Masters Liam Leger Noah Bau Karsten Riise Joaquin Escandon Kainoa Davis
Alex Fisher Cole Taffera Kellen Wartelle Gunnar Hovick Brandon Miller Isiah (Kealoha) Kepoo-Sabate
Joshua Bau Carter Grayson Elijah Griffiths Alastair Buccat  Jacob Kerley Cohen Blomenkamp
Wyatt Olson Leo Dustin JR Tracy Reese Begley Jackson Krones Maximus Chen
Eric Loreto Will Jansen Reid Scheib Thor Amundson Tristan Clark King Lee
Kade Mitchell Bennett Sajec Buzz Pedersen Jared Petras William Berge Vikram Boland
Finn Cooley Declan McDonnell-Keough Bennett Lind Metrios Geving Thomas Geving Askel Forseth
          Zeke Ratigan
 Nolan Steenmeyer

2024 Softball All Star Teams

  2024 Softball All Star Teams Announced!
10s   11s 12s   Juniors
Emelyn Jaimes Adeline Quinlan Audrey Lyman Abigail Tracy
Mackenzie Beebe Anna Larson Bella Swanson Abby Bernards
Madeline Murphy Audrey Hart Charlotte Younger Ali Vallez
Quinn Keller Clementine Boyle Elliot Stark Amari Davidson-Lee
Ava Mendez Dahlia Peterson  Grace Rutz Audrey Sommer
Frankie Williamson Dylan Melton Juniper Yentner Carmen Dustin
Katie Hoffman Kenzie Gillanders Kaylin McIntosh Charlotte Hupf
Lauren Reeves Mary Schuler Madison Kinzel Kaia Shouse
Makena Kuhn Miette Sweeney  Olivia Fox Kayden Kollman
Paige Ellinger Shivale O'Malley Reese McFarlane Maddy Ashe
Willow Schaff Vivienne Vtablik Samantha Owens Olivia Jones
Zuzanna Kobielski    Taylor Greco Zoey Schaaf

2024 All Star Information

2024 ALL STAR Tryouts & Registration

The Little League All Star process requires your FULL COMMITMENT. We need to make sure you are available for all games and practices. There is a possibility if your Division wins the District, the State, and the Regional championships that our tournament expectations could last through the middle to end of August.

Timeline and Time Commitment: 
Beginning June 5, 2024, I have no scheduled vacations, other sports, camps, outside club, or any other commitments that will interfere with my attendance at practices and games. Most teams will hold practices daily. 
We agree to not schedule vacation or other activities that will interfere with our child’s ability to attend practices and games during the full All-Star period as noted below. All Star Tournaments are double elimination.

Please understand that the completion of tryouts does not assure your child a place on the All Star team. Further, selection to an All Star team is a new process each year. Previous selection to an All Star team does not ensure selection in each successive year.
Key Dates:

: 6/4 6pm @ Scriber Ballfield

Juniors: 5/31 6pm @ Edmonds Woodway HS Baseball

Seniors: 6/2 6pm @ Meadowdale High School Baseball

Majors/Minors6/4 @ Lynndale Field 1
12s: 2 - 4pm
11s: 12 - 2pm
10s: 10 - 12pm

Week of June 3: Player selections announced 
Week of June 6: Team meetings and practices begin. Completed eligibility packet due (forms, proof of residency and birth certificate, $160 fee)
*May be earlier for upper divisions

All Star Process Overview

10s, 11s & 12s All Star Player Selection Process:

In the 8-10 (“10s”,) 9-11 (“11s”,) Little League (“12s”,) Intermediate(11-13), Junior (12-14), and Senior (13-16) Divisions, a skills assessment tryout will be utilized. 

1. Each team will hold a separate skills assessment and all players eligible for that team will be invited to participate. Players may be asked to attend a second try out session. If requested, participation in both tryouts is mandatory for selection to a team.

2. Managers from the divisions represented at the assessment will participate in assessing players and give their assessment, along with valuable feedback regarding players’ regular season performance to the All Star team manager for consideration. 

4. The final All Star roster is at the discretion of the All Star Manager, Player Agent, President and appropriate division Vice President(s,) accordingly. All Star teams will carry up to 14 players at the team manager’s discretion. 

Note: There are monetary costs to families associated with the All Star teams.

All Star Manager Selection Process:

1. To qualify as a manager or coach: 

i. For the Little League (“12s”) all star team, the manager and selected coaches must be a manager or coach in the majors or intermediates division, preference will be given to managers in the majors or intermediates division and then coaches in the majors or intermediates division. 

ii. For the 9-11 (“11s”) year old all star team the manager and selected coaches must be a coach or  manager in the majors or minors division, preference will be given to managers and then coaches in the  majors division. 

iii. For the 8-10 (“10s”) year old all star team, the manager and selected coaches must be managers or  coaches from the majors or minors division, preference will be given to managers and coaches in the majors division and managers and coaches in the minors division. 

iv. For the Intermediates all star team, the manager and selected coaches must be a coach or manager in the Intermediate division.

v. For the Junior and Senior all star teams the candidate manager and selected coaches must be a coach or manager in the Junior or Senior division.

iv. All-Star Managers and Assistant Coaches are considered ambassadors of Pacific Little League (PLL).  They must have conducted themselves in exemplary fashion, upholding the values of PLL both on and off the field during the regular season. The All Stars Manager Selection Committee may, by majority  vote, disqualify a candidate from consideration for conduct deemed unbecoming a representative of  PLL. 

1. “Conduct unbecoming a representative” is defined as repeated, observed and documented actions or behaviors which are wholly inconsistent with or violate the values or rules of PLL; behaviors which put PLL, players or coaches at substantial risk; or citation, arrest or conviction of a crime. 

2. The All Stars Manager Selection Committee shall have final authority to declare a candidate ineligible. 

3. In the event that the Committee determines a candidate ineligible, they shall convene a special  session of the Board prior to taking action to remove and or disqualify a candidate from service.  This meeting is advisory only. 

2. The process for a qualified individual to declare their interest to manage an All Star team starts by the third  Friday in April (April 16, 2021), when qualified individuals will submit a letter via email indicating that they are interested in managing an All Star team to the league president. This letter will indicate which age division they are  interested in managing, why they want to manage, and why they feel they are the best person to manage that  team. 

3. The All Stars Manager Selection Committee will collect information about each manager candidate from league  umpires, players, parents, other reputable knowledgeable sources and through direct observation. The  committee will conduct an interview with each qualified manager candidate. 

4. The All Star Manager Selection Committee will recommend their selected candidate assignments to the  President who will present the slate to the Board for final approval. 

5. The candidates will be notified of the selection outcome by the league president once approved by the selection committee and board. 

6. Public announcement of the manager will be made prior to any all star tryouts. 

Pacific Little League

PO Box 231 
Lynnwood, Washington 98046
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